At the beginning of the second section of the book, I noticed uncertainty and ambiguity. It starts off with Marco Polo and Khan still discussing Marco Polo´s unuseful voyages and descriptions."At this point Kublai Kahn interrupted him or imagined interrupting him, or Marco Polo imagined himself interrupted, with a question such as: You advance always with your head turned back? or is whar you see always behind you? or rather, does your journey take place only in the past?" (pg. 28).

I believe there is uncertainty here because the current state or situation the characters are in is not completely described or reassured. This is so because its as if the author werent sure or completely clear in describing what was happening. For instance, by saying "...interrupted him or imagined interrupting him", what is happenine it is not clear. Did Khan interrupt him or not? This is questioned thanks to the use of the word "or" since it doesnt give a reassuring or percise image of the situation to the audience. This causes ambiguity since the situation is very vague but however it can be interpreted in more than one way.
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